2022 Educational metaverse: 14 Reasons Why Virtual Worlds are still better [for education] than Social VR Worlds. A presentation and discussion.

 Educational metaverse: 
14 Reasons Why Virtual Worlds are still better
 [for education] than Social VR Worlds.
 A presentation and discussion.
Virtual worlds (able to run on a flat screen) have lower costs and more developmental experience than VR (using a stereo headpiece).  It may be VR for games and virtual worlds for education.   

Watch on YouTube14 Reasons Why Virtual Worlds are still better than Social VR WorldsPresentation made at Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education2022Speaker: Amvans lapis

 A year ago, VCARA started the VR Exploder’s Club wherein educators meet up once a month to determine whether and/or which Social VR Worlds we should establish a presence thereon after exploring different platforms together. Whether we used VR headsets or desktop versions of these platforms, we looked at criteria such as learning curve, real-time communication, interaction capabilities, and more. I will describe specific issues that have been resolved in VWs that still need attention in VR.
Presentation ends at 40 minutesDiscussion followsVCARA Videos


What the metaverse can provide

NetworkingRemote presence  Interaction 

Major issues

Subject contentLearning contentTarget learnersWorld boundariesLandField tripsCollaborationAssessing learning Availability of learning toolsAvatarsCostContentUsabilityAccessibility

Easy access meetings in the metaverse

Fridays 3 pm eastern (New York) At the Web Show, a video set in the metaverse Go there with this url: https://nonprofitvirtualworld.org/loc… A developer meeting is held there every other week: To find out which week, follow CybaLOUNGE on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cybaLOUNGE3DWebWorldz: Meetings alternate with the Web ShowWelcome Center.  https://3dwebworldz.com/I am usually available weekdays at 1 pm New York time In these 2 places:Welcome Center.  https://3dwebworldz.com/https://nonprofitvirtualworld.org/location.html?locationid=800000002&dl=true



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