Romania Issues Plans to Store Government Documents as NFTs

Romania’s National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI) has announced a new national program which leverages blockchain technology to access, transfer, and store the official documentation of its citizens. Dubbed ‘Romania’s National System for Issuers and Assets’ (NSIDA), the endeavour has the ultimate goal of improving the proficiency in which essential governmental documentation such as birth certificates, driving licenses and land/property deeds are acquired and managed. 

As you probably guessed, NFTs will be the medium in which such documents will be stored through, with each form expected to be given a non-fungible counterpart which’ll live on the highly-scalable and eco-friendly Elrond blockchain. Those who wish to continue using their physical, IRL documents will be able do so, as these ‘old school’ methods will remain valid. 

The endeavour will also include the launch of an exclusive and secure NFT marketplace where citizens will be able to acquire verified government documents without having the gruelling task of visiting official offices to pick them up in person. 

In the future, and after the launch of NSIDA (which still hasn’t been given an initiation date), the ICI will be looking to use the services of Elrond even further, to build out a decentralised network for the country’s critical public resources.  

Such use of blockchain technology, which is what many a NFT enthusiast has always envisioned will eventually come from the space, is a prime example of how Web3 really is the next stage in the technological evolution in human society. That being said, it is quite likely that wider media corporations will choose to ignore this innovative initiative, and instead, decide to cover Bill Gates’ recent slandering of ‘expensive digital images of monkeys’.

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