A MONKEY single-handedly took down a man by launching itself at him after he hurled rocks at its mates.
Bizarre footage shows the riled-up man bashing a troop of monkeys as they scurried along the street and up a building.
SWNSThe man was caught on camera trying to hit the monkeys with rocks[/caption]
SWNSOne critter then launched itself at the man[/caption]
SWNSIt managed to knock the man to the ground[/caption]
SWNSThe monkey scurried off as the man tried to get back to his feet[/caption]
The furry critters can be seen ducking and diving as the man picks up stones and tries to whack them in an epic street fight in Utter Pradesh, India.
He manages to chase them all off by wielding a brick – except one monkey out for revenge.
The crafty creature can be seen jumping onto a ledge above the door.
It then launches itself at the unsuspecting man, knocking him straight to the ground.
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The monkey then scampers off as the fuming man picks himself up and chases after it.
He fails to catch the critter as it climbs up a building.
The monkey then stares down at the man before strolling off as the man checks out the damage to his T-shirt – ripped by the creature.
Angry, he then picks up another brick and appears to take aim at the monkey, before seemingly giving up.
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A local source said: “The animal later fled from the place after the attack.”
It comes after a five-year-old boy tragically plunged to his death after he was chased by a gang of monkeys.
The youngster named Nikhil fell from the roof of his house in the village of Jagat, India, when he was attacked by the raging animals.
Nikhil was rushed to the hospital but he later died from his injuries.
Back in July, a woman died in the same way when she fell off the roof of her house in a bid to escape a group of monkeys.
Meanwhile, young girl was left fighting for her life after a monkey that escaped from a millionaire neighbour’s zoo attacked her.
Horrific footage showed the moment a girl was almost scalped after teasing a monkey in a zoo in Mexico.